Unsupervised Probation

Unsupervised Probation: What is it, and how does it work?


Probation is a sentencing option that allows an offender to remain free while being monitored by a probation officer. Probation can take many forms—from unsupervised probation, which involves no contact with the probation office at all, to intensive supervision programs such as drug courts or cognitive behavioral therapy. Unsupervised probation is usually reserved for offenders who have served at least part of their prison sentence and are close to returning home. Unsupervised probation can be used as an alternative sentence for first-time offenders or defendants who plead guilty but have no prior record of criminal behavior (it’s important to note that not all states allow defendants who are convicted of certain crimes like sex offenses or domestic violence crimes to serve their time on unsupervised probation).

What is unsupervised probation?

Unsupervised probation is different from supervised probation in that the offender does not have to report to a probation officer. If you are on unsupervised probation, you are still required to follow all of the rules and conditions of your sentence.

Supervised and unsupervised probation are based on your criminal history. If you have been convicted of multiple crimes, or if this is your first conviction but it’s for a violent crime or sex crime, then chances are good that your sentence will include some form of supervision.

What are the categories of probation?

Probation is a sentence that allows you to serve your time outside of prison. Probation can be supervised or unsupervised, and it comes with different types of restrictions. Here are some of the most common probation categories:

  • Regular probation: This is the most common kind of probation, and it’s exactly what it sounds like—a court-ordered sentence where you must remain under supervision for a set amount of time. If you violate any rules during this period, you will be sent back to jail for your original sentence length (plus any additional time).
  • Supervised probation: This type is similar to regular probation except with fewer restrictions on where you go and what actions you take while serving out your sentence. If there are any designated locations or activities that are off limits during this type of confinement, a judge will spell them out clearly in writing before issuing a verdict so there aren’t any surprises later down the road when they try making contact with family members while they’re supposed not allowed at home after dark without permission from their parole officer first.”

Who is eligible for unsupervised probation?

If you’re on unsupervised probation, you are not required to check in with your probation officer. You may still be required to report certain events or changes in your life (such as getting a job or going off to college) and you should keep the officer’s number handy in case there is an emergency.

Your eligibility for unsupervised probation will depend on whether you were convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, how long ago it was that you committed the crime(s), and whether any crimes have been committed since then. There are also other factors that determine whether or not someone qualifies for unsupervised probation:

  • The risk level associated with the offense, including how most criminals would commit similar crimes;
  • Whether an individual poses a threat to public safety;
  • Whether an individual has demonstrated good behavior while serving their sentence;
  • Whether they have strong family ties or community support; and
  • Whether they have completed education programs related to rehabilitation during their incarceration period

What does my probation officer do?

If you are placed on unsupervised probation, your probation officer will have the same responsibilities as a supervised person. They’ll supervise you and make sure that:

  • You’re following all of the conditions of probation (like staying out of trouble).
  • You are taking all of the required tests and classes.
  • You are reporting to them as required by your case plan (this depends on what type of order you have).
  • And/or other tasks or requirements based on your specific case plan or sentence.

How can I get the conditions of my probation modified?

  • You can ask for a modification of your probation conditions.
  • You can ask for a change in your probation officer.
  • You can ask for a change in the terms of your probation. For example, you might want to be allowed to travel out of state or go back to school full time instead of part time, or participate in an alcohol-awareness program instead of going through AA meetings. Your judge will likely require some kind of proof that this kind of change is necessary and reasonable—for example, if you have been sober for six months but still need an alcohol-awareness program because you have trouble controlling yourself around alcohol when you drink socially with friends, then perhaps the judge would be willing to make this modification. If not, then he may think that AA meetings are sufficient; however he would probably only do so if he was convinced that they work well with your personality type (some people respond better than others). Or maybe there’s someone else who could serve as one more effective role model than one particular sponsor who’s always late and doesn’t show up at all sometimes? These kinds of questions are up to the discretion ____________(fill in blank here).

Is unsupervised probation better than supervised probation?

Unsupervised probation is not necessarily better than supervised probation. It is a better choice for some people, but not everyone.

Whether it’s better depends on your needs and goals, as well as the particular circumstances of your case. You’ll need to consider any factors that might help you decide whether unsupervised or supervised probation is right for you: do you live far away from court? Do you have difficulty keeping appointments with a probation officer? Are there other factors in or outside of your control (such as health problems) that could affect how easy it would be for them to supervise you?

Unsupervised probation can be a less restrictive form of supervision for certain offenders that allows them to return to their families and communities with fewer restrictions.

Unsupervised probation is a less restrictive form of supervision for certain offenders. It allows them to return to their families and communities with fewer restrictions, but it does not mean that the offender is not being supervised. Unsupervised probation can be a good option for some people who have been convicted of a crime, because it allows them to continue working, attending school and spending time with family members without having to check in with an officer. This may help reduce recidivism in the long term and save taxpayer money by reducing parole supervision costs associated with keeping track of where an individual lives or works while on probation.


Unsupervised probation is a good option for certain offenders, but it’s important to understand the conditions of your probation before deciding whether or not you want to accept this form of supervision. As with any other type of probation, there are some risks involved. You should discuss these with your attorney or probation officer before making your decision about unsupervised probation.