When you’re a prison inmate, it can be hard to keep track of what’s going on in your world. Luckily, most jails have uniforms that are color-coded so that inmates can easily tell where they are being held. This post will explain what each different colored Jails Uniform means so that you know exactly where you stand!
Please be advised that orange is the color of the day in prison. Orange is a color that is associated with danger, warning and awareness. In addition to this, it is also associated with the sun, warmth and energy. Orange also represents harvest time and so are connected to abundance and fertility.
Black and white striped
The black and white striped jail uniform is a classic. It’s the one that you see in movies, TV shows and other media about prisons. It is designed to be uncomfortable for two reasons:
First, it makes the wearer feel vulnerable and powerless by making them appear as though they are in prison. The second reason for this design is that the black and white stripes resemble bars on a prison cell window, which reminds inmates of their incarceration every time they look down at themselves when putting on their uniform for work or returning home from work. This reminder can serve as a motivator for inmates who want to get out of jail sooner rather than later!
It’s important to note that while this design may be effective at its intended purpose–to make inmates feel like prisoners–it also serves another purpose: reminding us all not just what happens inside our nation’s prisons but also how much control we have over our own lives regardless of where we live or work.
The blue uniform is the most common and most widely used of the colored jail uniforms. This is because it’s worn by a majority of inmates, including both maximum security and minimum security prisoners. Many people have equated the color blue with sadness, especially when it comes to prison uniforms.
The color blue also gives an appearance of being cold or harsh, which can be seen as accurate when looking at inmates who are sentenced to death wearing their own clothing in solitary confinement. Another group that wears this color is those who are not allowed to leave their cells at all times; these may include inmates under suicide watch or protective custody (such as child molesters).
Gray is one of the most common color choices for jail uniforms. It’s used in other uniforms, such as the military and law enforcement, because it’s a neutral color that can be worn by anyone. Gray also doesn’t show dirt easily and makes your clothes look fresh longer than other colors do. If you’re looking for an alternative to black or blue, gray might be just what you need!
Yellow is for the sick and infirm. If you’re wearing yellow, it means that you are a physical or mental health patient. You may be injured, ill, or disabled in some way – or perhaps even dying. In most cases it’s not a prison sentence.
If you see someone in yellow in a jail situation (other than yourself), remember: They may be mentally ill, or just need help coping with their illness or injury. If they seem agitated/violent/screaming/etc., do not approach them unless absolutely necessary – better to let an officer handle it if possible!
Green: Green uniforms are reserved for inmates who have been convicted of a misdemeanor, but not a felony. This includes those who have been convicted of a misdemeanor and awaiting trial, as well as those that were given probation instead of jail time. In addition to this, green is also the color worn by inmates who were convicted of a felony, but not sentenced to death.
Red and white striped
When you see a female inmate with red and white striped uniform, it means that she is in for murder. The red represents life or blood; the white represents purity and innocence. These are the colors of the American flag, except in this case they represent the Union (the North) and Confederacy (the South).

The reason why women who have murdered wear these uniforms is because they supposedly don’t feel sorry enough for their crimes to deserve the same punishment as men. They are thus given less privileges than their male counterparts and must wear uniforms designed to make them look ugly so that no one will want to date them once they’re released from prison.
If you don’t know what the different colors of jail uniforms mean, we’ve got you covered!
- Black: This color is used as a punishment, and it’s not just because they’re going to be wearing black. Black means that the prisoner has been deemed dangerous or violent, and they will be required to wear all black at all times while inside their cell. They may also have limited privileges outside of their cell (such as being able to use the phone).
- Brown: This color is used for prisoners who are on suicide watch or who are mentally ill. The brown uniform signifies that these prisoners should not be approached by other inmates unless absolutely necessary because they could potentially harm themselves or others if cornered in any way shape or form.
- Green: Green uniforms signify newer inmates who have yet to prove themselves worthy of any other jobs within the prison system (like working in laundry rooms). As such, these “green” jobs often come with some pretty crappy tasks like cleaning up after everyone else does their business on the toilet seats instead of using those handy-dandy plastic bags provided everywhere else!
It’s important to know the different colors of uniforms because it can help you identify who is in jail, how long they have been there and what crimes they committed. It also makes a great conversation starter with friends!