The Best Prison Museums in the USA
They used to be places reserved for people who have committed or are accused of crimes. Today, they are playing host to curious tourists. Up and
How to Survive Prison: Survival Tips From Former Inmates
Prison time is something that none of us really looks forward to or even want to experience. But sometimes, things go beyond your control and
What Can You Buy in a Prison Commissary?
One of the most important things that prison robs you of is the freedom to choose. You can’t choose what food to eat, people to
The Most Famous Criminal Trials in US History
With the current state of mass incarceration in the US, hundreds of criminal trials happen every day. But some trials stand out from the rest
Calling Out Companies That Use Prison Labor
Did you know that prisoners have to work too? That’s right. But unlike a regular job, they have little choice about it. They get paid a
The Loaf: Prison’s Most Hated Food
Image Source: flickr/unp065 It’s common knowledge that prison meal is a sorry excuse for the thing we call “food.” Yet, if you misbehave, it can
The Most Daring Prison Escapes in US History
In the movies, an epic prison escape scene usually involves death-defying stunts. Contrary to popular beliefs, these scenes are not exaggerated. In fact, some of
Bizarre Last Words from Death Row Inmates
Prior to their execution, death row inmates are often asked if they have any last words. What comes out of their mouth can range from unexpected to
Can Hoax 911 Calls Send You to Prison?
Published October 14th, 2019 Yes, making fake emergency calls can send you behind bars. In fact, a man from California was recently sentenced to twenty